Issue Management
Issue management is the process of identifying, tracking, and resolving problems to ensure smooth and effective service reliability. It makes issues easier to find, prioritize, and analyze for root causes.
Example Usage
An error management system has been implemented to streamline the handling of errors across various services within a bank. The Anansi Tool acts as a centralized platform for tracking, categorizing, and resolving issues, promoting efficient collaboration among team members.
1. Define and Document Issues:
When errors occur in any service, an error message is generated and sent to the Anansi Tool through a Python process utilizing the Anansi SDK. Each issue comprises essential components: Issue ID, criticality, action item, notes, short description, and long description.
The Anansi SDK plays a pivotal role in this process, efficiently collecting error messages and facilitating their seamless integration into the Anansi Tool. This integration ensures that the error tracking system is well-informed, providing a centralized and comprehensive overview of issues across various services within the organization.
2. Use a Centralized System:
- The Anansi Tool serves as a centralized hub for tracking and monitoring issues.
- System administrators can access the issue tracking section to view reported issues, their status, and assignees across various services.
3. Categorize Issues:
- Issues are typically classified into three categories based on their status: assigned, unassigned, and closed. This helps in prioritizing and addressing them effectively.
- Action items can be configured and customized in the Anansi tool.
4. Prioritize Issues:
- Issues are prioritized based on their impact on respective services.
- Critical errors are labeled as "Critical" priority to ensure swift resolution and minimize business impact.
- Criticality can be configured and customized in the Anansi tool.
5. Assign Responsibilities:
- Responsibilities for issue resolution are assigned to relevant teams.
- Specific owners are designated to address issues in their respective domains, promoting accountability.
6. Flag:
"Flags" are visual signals or indicators that highlight potential issues or events, prompting attention and investigation by users or developers for necessary actions or fixes in a system.
In the above image, Personal Banking and Internet Banking systems are experiencing some issues, so we flagged them.
7. Visual Data Lineage:
Data lineage is a visual representation that shows the movement and transformation of data from its origin (source) to its final destination (target), illustrating how data flows through different processes and systems in an organization.
In the image below, we use the node 'Summit' to check its lineage.
8. Real Time Usage:
The Anansi Tool supports real-time usage through its Software Development Kits (SDKs). To integrate the Anansi SDK into your project, follow the steps in the Anansi SDK documentation.